On the other side...

This is the story of my times and trials while living and teaching "on the other side" of the world: Taipei City, Taiwan. "True Life: The blog of an ESL teacher. You think you know but you have no idea."

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Two weeks ago all of us from the house attended the wedding of one of our coworkers, Kerry. The actual wedding ceremony was done at the couple's home and only afterwards did friends and family gather for a huge celebration banquet at a Japanese restaurant. The 10 course banquet was fantastic-- tons of fresh fish, sushi, shark fin soup and other traditional sweet treats that are supposed to bring the couple luck (and lots of babies!).
It was definitely interesting to see the mix of traditional and contemporary elements in the wedding. My favorite part had to be the dresses and the photos! It is customary for brides to change their dresses several times throughout the evening, so Kerry wore 3 different and gorgeous gowns! Also, couples take their wedding photos well before the actual wedding so there are Glamour Shot- type portraits of the couple doing things like running on the beach, gazing lovingly at each other, or dressed in traditional Chinese wear all over the place. The total number of dresses she wore or took pictures in had to be around 8-10! The appeal of a photoshoot in that many different gowns has convinced me that I may need to return to Taiwan if I ever get married! It's like prom...except actually liking your date... and your dressES.. and not having the nuns watch your every move on the dance floor.

The beginning procession the restaurant performed

Kerry, her husband Harry, and their parents at the beginning of the banquet

The couple walking down the aisle

With Pheobe, our Kindy director, and Louise

Dress #2

Wedding photos

Louise in her own glamour shot

Dress #3


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